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list of sandwiches

Encyclopedia of Sandwiches

Encyclopedia of Sandwiches If there is even the smallest, tiniest, single micron thin, silver lining to this past year of being completely shut in, (for me at least) it is a seemingly renewed (or awakened) public interest in sandwiches. This is evidenced best by the viral Encyclopedia of Sandwiches poster. …

Breakfast Sandwiches

The Breakfast Sandwich is a true paragon on the sandwich kingdom. Nothing quite beats sitting down for the standard North American restaurant breakfast. It’s usually pretty cheap, and you get to answer a bunch of fun questions straight away. AND when you and the person you’re dining with give the …


Ich Bin Ein Hamburger

Well, there is of course the origin of the hamburger, which is claimed by about a dozen different people, places, and times periods. Then there is the proper construction method, preferred condiments, all beef vs filler, doneness, the non ground burgers, veggie/non meat burgers, questions on buns, and of course the etiquette of the compression of a burger to getting a full bite.

Best Muffuletta

Muffuletta Madness

It’s a round Sicilian loaf of bread with sesame seeds on top. At least that is what it was until 1906 when the Muffuletta Sandwich was invented at the Central Grocery (which is still open) on Decatur St. in New Orleans. They cut the loaf horizontally and filled it with a marinated olive salad, Salami, Ham, Mortadella, with Provolone and Mozzarella.

long sandwiches

The Longwiches

Italian sandwiches, Submarines, Heros, Hoagies, Grinders, Wedges, Zeppelins, Jambon Beurre, Dagoberts, and Banh Mi

Also Gatsbys and Po’Boys
They are among the longwiches.  They are those made from bread longer than it is wide, split lengthwise and stuffed with things like meats and sauces and vegetables. They are typically loafwiches, though some may argue they can also be bunwiches, provided the bun has the correct dimensions

3 hot dogs

The Hot Dog Dilemma

I love hot dogs. And not just the Jumbos, or concession franks. The best ones are the small grocery store ones. The elation and validation I felt when I bought my first ever New York City hot dog from a cart and saw that it was just a little wet basic weiner was incredible. It was like every boiled hot dog I ever had as a kid. That’s the proper way by the way. It’s how they’ve always been done, even before that pesky bun showed up and started this dumb argument. Boiled.

Bacon Mania

Since its invention, the club has been one of the ultimate restaurant sandwiches. If a restaurant has a sandwiches section on their menu, i’m pretty sure they’re legally obligated to have some version of a clubhouse. A restaurant’s clubhouse is a reflection of the restaurant itself and its goals and aspirations. Is it the sandwich cut in four with frilly toothpicks through white bread, with over broiled bacon and under ripe tomato with iceberg? Well, you’re either in a classic diner, or a cheap hotel restaurant. Are there seemingly way too many adjectives describing the bread and/or bacon? Is there avocado or aioli? Well then you just may be in a gastro pub there bud.


Now, even I am conflicted about my cold sandwich construction. I prefer my mustard and mayo seperate, but I also like some butter touching the meat because I’m aperently endeavouring to be 300lbs. I also think for cold cuts, if you are using pickles you shouldn’t also use tomatoes, and vice versa, but I often do it anyway. You could take mustard out of the equation completely, but sometimes you really need it. Also, what’s the lettuce even doig? Is it just for looks? It barely adds anything but a protective barrier from mayo to meat. Theres got to be a better way!

character alignment - sandwiches

Character Alignment

Diagonal Cut – Lawful Good This is standard. From restaurants to gas station egg salad, the diagonal is nearly universally agreed upon as the way it should be done. Corners allow easy bites and dipping potential Horizontal Cut – Neutral Good Though diagonal is generally preferred, horizontal remains good, in …

ameircan grilled cheese

Grill Me A Cheese

I have eaten a lot of grilled cheeses. My all time favourite lunch growing up was when my mom would make an actual pile of grilled cheeses piled on a plate, family style, for her, my sister and I (I’m not sure you could pay my dad to eat a grilled cheese), always with a big glass of milk and plenty of pickles. Honestly, every grilled cheese should be served with a pickle on the side.
