Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS

Sandwiches Of Canada

Sandwiches of Canada One thing that I have learned from my recent status as an online sandwich aficionado is that  sandwiches are almost certainly one of the world’s most relatable foods. Everywhere, every culture, every country, every region, right down to almost every individual person in the world has their …

Sandwich Dad’s All Dressed Sandwich Spread

Hello Friends! I haven’t posted in a while, but I really wanted to share the recipe for this new incredible Sandwich spread I just invented. ALL DRESSED MAYONNAISE!!!!!! It’s all dressed potato chip flavoured mayo. Perfect for sandwiches, burgers, chicken, salads, dips, whatever! Share it far a wide and let’s …


Now, even I am conflicted about my cold sandwich construction. I prefer my mustard and mayo seperate, but I also like some butter touching the meat because I’m aperently endeavouring to be 300lbs. I also think for cold cuts, if you are using pickles you shouldn’t also use tomatoes, and vice versa, but I often do it anyway. You could take mustard out of the equation completely, but sometimes you really need it. Also, what’s the lettuce even doig? Is it just for looks? It barely adds anything but a protective barrier from mayo to meat. Theres got to be a better way!

character alignment - sandwiches

Character Alignment

Diagonal Cut – Lawful Good This is standard. From restaurants to gas station egg salad, the diagonal is nearly universally agreed upon as the way it should be done. Corners allow easy bites and dipping potential Horizontal Cut – Neutral Good Though diagonal is generally preferred, horizontal remains good, in …

There are a lot of sandwiches out there.

It makes sense. If a sandwiches are anything between two pieces of bread, then the permutations are nearly endless. Even the bread. How many kinds of bread are there? I’m not sure. I haven’t done that research yet. Maybe I could ask Google right now, but that’s a topic that …
